


Disability in France, Europe, and around the world is an additional barrier that exposes individuals, particularly women, to poverty and social exclusion.

Women with disabilities are three times more likely to be illiterate than men with disabilities, twice as likely to be unemployed, and three times more likely to have unmet healthcare needs.*

When employed, they are often exposed to dual exclusion in the workplace due to both gender and disability stereotypes, limiting their career choices, access to employment or return to work, and career progression. They suffer from both horizontal segregation (type of employment) and vertical segregation (level of responsibility). The resulting discrimination takes many forms: denial of professional training, moral and sexual harassment, refusal to adapt work conditions…

In France, 4 out of 5 women with disabilities are victims of violence.* All these challenges significantly increase the risk of these women facing social and economic vulnerability and precariousness.

Now, more than ever, it’s time to act to:

  • Build confidence and empower women with disabilities, enabling them to have a tangible influence on their economic and social fulfillment at all levels, allowing society to benefit from their perspectives on the world.
  • Transform the perception of disability and of people with disabilities in the collective imagination through artistic creation; change society’s view.

I firmly believe that an emancipatory revolution—on socio-economic, political, and cultural levels—is possible through the active involvement of women with disabilities themselves in driving the necessary changes. This conviction led me in 2023 to develop a new project aimed at empowering women with disabilities to claim their rightful seat at the table!

Thus, the AHADI FOUNDATION endowment fund was born, officially declared and approved by the Paris Police Prefecture in August 2023. It is positioned, on the one hand, to develop the socio-economic leadership of women with disabilities in France, Europe, and the Global South, and on the other hand, to carry out a mission of cultural transformation in the social perception of disability.

Its Purpose

The AHADI Foundation aims to help people with disabilities find their rightful place in society and position themselves
as agents of change.

Its Resources

The resources of the AHADI Foundation are those legally authorized. In addition to the consumable portion of the foundation’s capital endowment, resources may include:

  • Fundraising,
  • Donations and legacies, as well as contributions of goods and rights of any kind, including real estate investment securities, which may be granted by any individual or legal entity,
  • Sponsorship,
  • Revenues from activities authorized by the statutes,
  • Revenues from fees for services rendered.

Donors can either support the foundation globally or fund specific projects.

Upcoming Key Events

February 8th:

First official presentation to a select group of benefactors

March 8th:

Launch of the AHADI Role Models pilot program, aimed at women with disabilities who are business
leaders, executives, or elected officials.


My journey, like that of nearly one billion people with disabilities worldwide, is a continuous series of daily obstacles to overcome and just as many opportunities for innovation. By choosing to turn my constraints into strengths in the service of a fairer and more beautiful world, I aim, through the AHADI Foundation—a word meaning PROMISE in Swahili—to inspire and provide numerous people with disabilities, particularly women, with the desire, opportunity, and means to join the socio-economic dance!

The challenges of our society remind us every day: fighting climate change, preserving biodiversity, implementing a just transition… The true inclusion of people with disabilities, a full, total, and discrimination-free inclusion, is an equally essential challenge. And it is together that we must win this battle for inclusion in order to better tackle all the others.

I need your support to take on this new challenge: the launch and development of the AHADI Foundation endowment fund, dedicated to serving disabilities and people with disabilities.

— Deza Nguembock Volunteer President


Driven by a passionate pursuit of social justice, I began my political journey in 2022 without any affiliation during the legislative campaign in Paris’ 10th district.

The Deep Reason for My Commitment


At every election, we hear the same outdated rhetoric: some get excited, others disengage. The common good is forgotten. In 2022, disengagement reached a historic high, yet politics remain at the heart of our everyday concerns: What quality of air are we breathing? What are the fuel prices? Will I find accessible housing? What future awaits the next generations? It’s from where we stand, right here and now, that we can begin to act—individually and collectively.

The purpose of these legislative elections is to send a strong signal to the National Assembly, ensuring fair representation for everyone and voicing our most essential concerns.

This third round is an opportunity to shake up these elections in the right direction! By ensuring the presence of a few independent citizens in Parliament, whose free, authentic, and rare expression will make all the difference.

You have the power to make this happen with me.

Men accept change only in necessity, and they see necessity only in crisis.

— Jean Monnet

Acting for Inclusion and Universal Accessibility

Inclusion is not an option. France, our country, can no longer afford to lag behind other European democracies. Whether it’s inclusive education or an inclusive society, it is urgent to turn promises into reality. The gap between ambitious laws and a completely different reality is all too clear. Therefore, we will prioritize a pragmatic approach on the ground to support citizens toward true autonomy. Among my priorities are addressing the restricted mobility of disabled individuals and simplifying and facilitating access to public services for those who are neither equipped (with inadequate tools) nor familiar with digital platforms.

It is better to take change by the hand before it grabs you by the throat.

— Winston Churchill

Engaging in the Ecological and Climate Transition

Fifty years ago, the Meadows report “The Limits to Growth” warned us in vain about the dangers of unchecked

Today, in the face of the ecological and climate emergency threatening our very existence and calling into question the habitability of Earth, we say “”no more inaction.”” We seek to amplify the voice of a civil society that is outraged and disillusioned by expert reports that have been ignored (such as the IPCC and IPBES reports).

Working for a Just Transition

We refuse to sweep under the rug the reality of the collective and individual efforts needed to drive these transitions. As an aggravating factor of inequality, especially in the context of energy and purchasing power crises, it is crucial that the ecological transition is accompanied by appropriate social measures across two key areas:

  • Leading socio-economic transformations within the framework of new production models (greening jobs and skills,
    supporting activity conversion, and redirecting investments to support these transitions).
  • Reconciling climate and ecological policies with purchasing power (combatting energy poverty, ensuring access to quality food, etc.).

Just like our duo, made up of my running mate Alicia Charlotte Emmanuelle Fouletier and myself, the world of tomorrow must be a crossroads of encounters and synergies.

Together, let’s find the point of balance!