

Inclusion: an imperative to build a fair future.

Life has given me an incredible gift: being a Black woman with a disability.
I don’t fit the usual mold for success. And yet, I thrive.
My vulnerabilities, while real, have become my greatest strength.

  • Why suffer from our differences when they are perceived as a threat?
  • Why erase our vulnerabilities when they are considered a weakness?
  • Why be condemned to insecurity because our disabilities are feared?

If the challenges of our society remind us daily—fighting climate change, preserving biodiversity—one surpasses all the others: the challenge of achieving perfect, total inclusion without discrimination.

I am deeply convinced that it is together that we must win the battle for inclusion in order to win all the others.

For it is our ability to recognize in others an equal, to continue building a cohesive society, and to contribute positively
and collectively to the ecosystem to which we belong, that will guide our future.

Inclusion is not an option, but an imperative necessity. An absolute urgency. Because it is a wealth, a common strength, and a unique driver of cohesion.

The movement has begun. In the face of discrimination, the youth rises and denounces social injustices. Visionary
companies demonstrate that differences are an invaluable asset, victims of discrimination step out of anonymity, and
the media, like a social mirror, reveal new faces in the spotlight.

I’m often called an incurable optimist. If believing in others, drawing inspiration from differences, and enriching
myself from the cultures around me are proof of optimism, then yes, I am an optimistic humanist. After 10 years
of dedicated service at the helm of a hybrid communications agency committed to inclusion, I’ve decided
to devote myself entirely to the cause. Because great revolutions are born from strong, united, and determined
collectives, I invite you to join the movement now!

Together, let’s sweep away resistance and act for a more harmonious and inclusive society.

Together, let’s trample prejudice!